The Bharat Group of Institutions, comprising (i) Bharat Institute of Technology, Sonepat (BiTS), (ii) Bharat Institute of Polytechnic, Sonepat (BiPS), (iii) Bharat Institute of Nursing, Sonepat (BiNS); Bharat Institute of Education, Sonepat (BiES); and Bharat Institute of Pharmacy, Sonepat (BiPS) are functioning under the aegis of Gyanpeeth Educational Society. The Society was established in December 2007 and has earned name & fame not only in the State of Haryana but also entire India. Students from all corners of the country, i.e. in the north from Jammu & Kashmir up to South end of Tamil Nadu, in the east from North Eastern states up to the west end of Gujarat, are studying in our Institutions.

I have taken over complete charge of the Bharat Group of Institutions as its Chairman and President of the Gyanpeeth Educational Society. For the betterment of the Institute, I have with me a renowned team of educationists, scientists and technocrats, who will provide with insights that are directly beneficial for their preparation as professionals gearing up to be placed in extremely dynamic national and global advanced systems and technologies.

We lay stress on “SKILL Development” so that students are able to meet the requirement of the nation, i.e. “Make in India” concept. We also arrange on-campus and off-campus employment opportunities in various industries, business houses and corporates. The Institute is also providing opportunities and incentives to socio-economically poor, disabled, minorities, wards of war widows. Under the campaign of “Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao”, we provide 50% concession in tuition fee (first year) besides 25% concession to those meritorious students who have secured 85% & above marks in their previous examination.

Being an academician and scientist, having vast experience of 25 years of working in India and abroad with renowned educational & research institutions like University of Delhi, IIT Delhi, Rai Foundation, Department of Science & Technology, CSIR, etc., I assure you that with a dedicated team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members, we will produce professionals of high caliber to suit the needs of a world without boundaries. We undertake to provide you with the best of professional atmosphere and secured future so that hard earned money of the parents is put to best use. We shall excel them in every walk of life and help them develop professional qualities in them for their bright future.

Further, we aim at opening the floodgates of knowledge, the creation of new thoughts and ideas, the incessant efforts to explore the mission of life and the commitment to fulfil the technological and academic needs of the nation. Keeping in view the international scenario, development and modernization of national needs, our all the Institutes are playing the active role in imparting excellent training and quality education to the youths, inculcating in them a sense of leadership in various professions, industries and other fields of development.

With best wishes for a bright future.

Prof. (Dr.) Bharat Singh
Chairman, Bharat Group of Institutions, Sonepat
Ex. Director, IEC College of Engineering Technology, Greater Noida
Ex. Dean& Prof (SEAS) Rai Foundation, New Delhi
Young Scientist, Dept. of Science & Technology (DST)
Dept. of Physics IIT, Delhi